Coffee + Creativity = Art

Lemon was searching about coffee on net and entering a wondeful page. How wonderful is it? Just as stated by the title:
Coffee + Creativity = Art.

Below is the screen saver I download from the website. Like it!
Coffee as an artform.

[Andrew Saur and Angel Sarkela-Saur have been painting with coffee for several years now. It all started one summer when they planned their first art show in a coffee house in Duluth, Minnesota. They wanted to come up with something unique and creative. Since their show was going to take place in a coffee house, they thought it would be appropriate to use coffee as their medium. They tried several techniques, such as using the coffee bean to sketch with and making pastels out of coffee grounds. These techniques were not successful. So they finally decided to use the coffee as a watercolor. The watercolor technique was the most effective way the artists found to use. They first sketch out an idea, then start brewing a really strong pot of coffee that is really dark and thick! From there, water is added to gain the subtle tones of brown. Finally, a clear coat of acrylic is added to preserve the art and a painting of delicate beauty is finished.]

Coffee is an interesting medium to create art.

[Andy and Angel have been painting with coffee for several years, and have completed hundreds of original artworks. Curious people who view the work are amazed that the artwork is painted entirely in coffee - no additives, just 100% pure coffee. Artists have been using coffee as washes for sketches and other shading for some time, but this is one of the first times where a process is used to gain very dark hues. People ask what we do to achieve this darkness, all we can say is that it takes a special process and it is our secret formula. ]

Fresh Roast
As for stating the obvious, a fresh roast cup of coffee is an art in itself. I was inspired by vintage diner signage and the nostlagic feel of its simplicity.

A puppy.

Natural Art
There is so much beauty in nature. Even a single tree can inspire us. The leaves catch and reflect sunlight as unique shadows are created in the bark and winding branches.

Coffee Shop
Building blocks to good relationships!

Parisian Breakfast
A perfectly quiet morning.

Must Have Coffee!
For some, it is the only way a day can start, the only thing that can help you through. For some, they simply must have coffee.

Pour a cup of coffee, sit down, enjoy this website:

Use coffee to paint, amazing!

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