Added Food Colours

Natural colours are the approved extracts from fruits, vegetables, spices and insects used to colour our food.

[ Lemon shock when saw this. Insects???? O.O ]

Cochineal, an intense red colouring material obtained by extraction of the dried female bodies of the insect Cocus cacti, is most frequently utilised as Cochineal Carmine, its aluminium lake form, which is oil dispersable and insoluble in most solvents except alkali. The lake colour exhibits excellent light fastness and good temperature and pH stability. Its uses are in preserves, confectionery coatings, baked goods, yoghurts and retorted canned food. Cochineal extract itself, is water soluble and can be used in soft drinks, wines and spirits.

Extract from insect ??? -__-
But then lecturer told us that nowadays if you see this cochineal in the labelling of packaging, it is the artificial one, not really extract from insect^^


There are 5 group of panellist:

1. Experienced panellis
They have been exposed to some form of sensory testing.

2. Expert panel or tester
Knowledgeable about the food. The judgement is well respected and can be used in decision making. No formal training but have several years of experience in that particular product.

3. Consumer panel
Large number of respondents selected through adequate sampling techinque unsually >100; drawm from the cross section of prospective consumer population. For measurement of preference or acceptability of product.

4. Consumer-type panel
Simply selected from among employees themselves based largely on the nature of targeted consumers.

5. Laboratory panel
Composed of 10 to 20 panellists with 3 to 4 replications by each panellists for each treatment. Use for discriminatory tests and identification of specific product attributes, qualities or characteristics (Trained or untrained panel).

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